
Did you ever feel a scratchy throat or begin to sneeze and then try to figure out who passed that on to you? You were fine at the time but now you’re sick. Those little microbes are too small to see but they’re definitely floating around and some people are more susceptible than others. Sometimes, we are the culprit as we sniffle and wheeze our way through a day, infecting those we may never see again.

We can spread attitudes and ideas the same way, too. A thought or interaction can “infect” those around us – with either healing or pain. We live in instant society and expect instant results. But really, we will never know the impact we have on most people. Our effect on someone usually shows up later. Since we don’t know who’s most susceptible, who has an open wound, let be mindful of what we’re spreading. The smallest act may tip the balance in one direction or the other. Let’s make sure they receive a good boost and not knock out their last defense.

We’re all contagious. We’re all spreading something. Let’s spread grace and joy. Even though we may never see the effect.

And as God's grace spreads to more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory. 2 Corinthians 4:15

1 Response

  1. Elaine
    What a great reminder - especially at this time of year

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