How’d I get HERE?

Have you ever been struck by something new and set on a new path? Did you find it exciting? Scary? Fun? All of the above?

My interest in things ancient is borne out of my love of the Bible and a desire to know God better. During a restless period, I took a break from work and travelled to Israel. I love God, love His Word and had mild intellectual curiosity to see what Israel was like. What I wasn’t prepared for was how it grabbed me – and how God used it to set me on a new path.

As I lolled along on the bus from site to site, it made my Bible come alive like a movie. Names of places I had only read about were fleshed out now. And then I was introduced to a teacher who took what I was seeing and learning and showed how it applied to my relationship with God.

Thus began my quest to learn WHAT happened THEN and WHY it matters NOW. I became hungry to learn more and more about what it was like during Biblical times. As this passion overflowed, I began to share it in conversation with friends and family. Eventually, as I saw so many others helped by this perspective in the same way I was, it led to a teaching ministry.

Questions that pop up during my years of teaching have led me to consolidate my resources and widen the conversation – which is how I ended up HERE – today. Beginning the new adventure of an online conversation with a website and blog.

Come. Let’s go! Join me on a journey of learning about God, His world and His great love for us. May it lead us to love Him more and love each other well. And may He bless us richly along the way as we go with Him on this adventure.

1 Response

  1. So excited to jump in on this journey with you and others!

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