Stilled voices

Who influences you?

We have a variety of people that influence us in various areas of our life. Mentors in the workplace, older relatives building into our families, friends that prod us in our spiritual walk. But some influencers are people we've never met - but somehow feel like we know.

Two men that had an influence on what I think and believe died this week. Dallas Willard - brilliant theologian that could communicate to simpler minds like mine. His love of his saviour was contagious. And Geza Vermes - one of the original translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls, I am a beneficiary of his scientific and scholarly work that opened up the context of the text. Their wisdom, while now a closed book, will continue to influence those of us who still seek out their thoughts and will influence those that we touch as well.

A friend asked yesterday "who are the great minds and influencers of the next generation?" Only God knows and time will reveal - but who is impacting you?

I'd like to know.

4 Responses

  1. Although not familiar with Geza Vermes, I can appreciate why his work was so valuable. As for Dallas Willard, he was one of the great influencers on my life and though I celebrate his 'homegoing', this world still seems emptier without him in it. As for who is impacting me, one person is Mike Erre. Really appreciate his thoughtful and contextual approach to unpacking the meaning of Scripture.
    • Jen
      Yes - Mike would make it onto my list too. Ray VanderLaan for sure for me, too, obviously. Who else?
  2. Elaine
    So actually their voices are not stilled - but will be heard for generations to come
    • Jen
      Yes. Their voice will reverberate through the generations. But there will be no new thoughts or insights from them.

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