Tag Archives: prayer

Not Done Yet

Do you have big prayers? Elisha did. He was the disciple of the prophet synonymous with chutzpah and he learned well from his master. Elisha had the boldness and audacity to ask God for DOUBLE what Elijah had. That’s chutzpah – right there in the ask. And God chose to say yes. But it was…
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Awakened to Gratitude

How do you start your day? Our first moments likely impact our thoughts and attitude for the rest of the day. Our Jewish friends begin the day with the “Modeh Ani.” This short prayer, recited before getting out of bed, acknowledges the greatness of God and the Giver of life. It goes like this: I…
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How Not To Pray

This, then, is how you should pray, … Matthew 6:9 Many of us have memorized the Lord’s Prayer, the model that Jesus gives His disciples to emulate. But how many of us know the words that precede it? While usually overlooked, I was struck by their practical instruction. And when you pray, you must not…
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Prayer Lottery

Prayer is such a mystery to me. Sometimes God chooses to intervene and change events based on my request. And then sometimes He doesn’t. But God always acts according to His will, so when does He answer prayer? I’ve previously used the analogy that God is not a vending machine – that if we ask the…
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