The Mezuzah

Have you ever seen the mezuzahs that hang on the doors of our Jewish friends? Mezuzah means doorframe or doorpost, so in actuality you hang a mezuzah on a mezuzah. God commanded in Deuteronomy 6 that the law He was giving should be with them always. They were to talk about it to their children, hang it on their doorframes and tie it to their hands. So this is the literal interpretation of that command. Inside the mezuzah is a tiny scroll with that portion of Deuteronomy on it. It is a reminder of the covenant, a reminder to be obedient. One custom the rabbis developed is that it is kissed as you pass through the door. God’s words are sweet to our lips.

God declared that His commands be in a place that is prominently seen so that they are a reminder. Tie it on your hand – can’t not notice that. Tie it on your forehead – even if you forget about it, your neighbor will notice! A doorframe, too, is an easily identifiable place. By placing it there you are not only reminded as you pass through, but you are identifying yourself to others. It is a witness to God’s covenant.

There is also a connection to their history in Egypt. They were told to sacrifice a lamb and place the blood on their doorframe, or mezuzah. It’s the same word. It identified the Israelites and they were kept safe as death “passed over” them. The event celebrated in the Jewish feast of Passover.

The Lamb’s blood marks me, too. The Holy Spirit becomes a kind of mezuzah. He delivers me from the death I deserve. He leads and guides me in obedience and is a reminder to me of the new covenant. I hope to live in such a way His mark is seen in me, and so become a visible reminder to others as well.

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:6-9

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  1. […] week we talked about the mezuzah that hangs on the doorframes of our Jewish neighbors. It is a reminder to them of obedience; they […]

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