Throughout history, or His Story, we see God revealing His presence to His people in the form of thunder and smoke. Moses met with God on Sinai surrounded by thunder and smoke. God moved into the tabernacle with a display of thunder and smoke – and took up residence in the midst of His people. Centuries later, Solomon built the temple – and God moved in – and His power and glory were shown with fire and smoke and thunder.
On Pentecost (Shavuot), a Jewish holiday of thanksgiving to celebrate the receiving Torah on Sinai, God moved once again. Picture the disciples in the temple area, the loss of their beloved Rabbi still fresh, and then…
thunder…and smoke…and lightning…
…and God once again “changed His address.”
Where did He choose to live?
In us! Seriously! WE are now the temple of God. God lives in US! As a community. As a body. As a temple – to show the world who He is.
As the feast of Pentecost begins tonight, be reminded that God loves us so much He chose to be with us. And that as believers, we together are the temple of God. We are called to unity and community to show the world who He is.
Bless God!
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