Tag Archives: celebrate

Menuha: A place of rest

By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work. Genesis 2:2 God rested on the seventh day. He gave to us the gift of Sabbath so we can rest as well. When I consider Sabbath, though, I find myself caught up…
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Simchat Torah: Joy of the Torah

Every year around this time I am reminded how much of our Bible is made up by what we call the Old Testament. I’ve been reading through the Bible each calendar year for decades and it usually takes until October to begin Matthew. When I read the OT, passages can still surprise me as I…
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Celebrating the Rhythms

As we enter Sukkot, it was explained on a Jewish site (chabad.org), “of all the Jewish holidays, Sukkot is the only one whose date does not seem to commemorate a historic event.” It marks the harvest (Festival of Ingathering) as well as their season of wandering and special provision (Festival of Booths). The greatest celebration…
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Happy Holidays?

I look forward to the holidays, a time that I gather with friends and family for festive meals and a celebration of God’s goodness. We enjoy our time together, sharing the spread that my mom has typically put together (and an obligatory walk before our pie). No, it's not perfect. I’ve brought my own angst and…
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