Tag Archives: Community

Finding Community?

We all have a picture in our head of perfect community – perhaps a BBQ or holiday setting surrounded by friends and family. You’ve seen the ads capitalizing on those desires – everyone laughing, smiling and enjoying a good time. We are fortunate if we have experienced that and should soak it up. But should…
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Carrying the Load: Part 2

… for each one should carry their own load.  Galatians 6:5 Galatians 6 seems to contain a paradox. We saw last week that we are to bear each other’s burdens. But then just a few verses later it says to bear your own burdens. So how does this work? The original text uses two different…
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Carrying the Load: Part 1

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 What is the law of Christ? Love God and love your neighbor. Here is the context of that verse in Galatians: Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch…
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What’s in a touch – feeling deprived?

Enter week two of social distancing – how are you doing? Depending on where you fall on the introvert/extrovert scale I can probably guess. Technology and social media allow most of us to stay pretty well connected but our current circumstance is causing more physical isolation than social – especially for those that live alone.…
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