When I am afraid

When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. In God, Whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?  Psalm 56:3-4

What makes you afraid? Sickness? Being alone? Financial troubles? When you feel that fear, what do you do? I am apprehensive of change. My tendency is to gather myself up inside and maintain as much control as possible. Maybe, just maybe, I can manage this new thing to be not so bad.

But David reminds me to trust in God. What if my first response was trust? As a kid, when I was afraid, I sought mom or dad. Just being in their presence reassured me that all would be right. We have a heavenly Father that is even more powerful and comforting to Whom we can turn. I want to train my mind, my soul, to run to Him when fear hits.

In God’s presence, I don’t need to fear sickness. If the worst-case outcome is that I die – then that is gain! I don’t need to fear poverty, He will provide what I truly need. He is with me and I am never alone. He will provide all things in His time and in His way and His Presence will remain with me.

What can flesh do to me? Though I experience pain, He is with me, strengthening and comforting me. Though I am mistreated, He is Judge and vengeance is His. The Spirit bears witness with mine that I am His child and nothing in this bodily life can remove that. I am secure.

Trusting is learned and also a decision. David says, when I am afraid, I will trust Him; but then says, because I trust, I shall not be afraid. They work together. And it is specific - not calling us to vague confidence and self-assuring hopefulness, but rather to put our outcome in the hands of the all-powerful One who loves us.

There are times that I find myself afraid. But when I train my mind to focus on Him, train my soul to trust, then fear is vanquished and I find rest.

And He said to them, “Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?” Matthew 8:26

2 Responses

  1. Charlene Saldarriaga
    Hi Jen, this post reminded me of a book I just finished reading called The God of all Comfort by Hannah Whitall Smith. Have you read it? It is so full of simple but powerful truth...it was really a blessing for me to read.
    • jen
      Just added it to my stack!

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