The Two spies

No, that’s not a typo. I know Moses sent twelve spies to check out this new Promised Land. But only two came back with a good report.

Think about that. God rescued them from Egypt – an enslaved peasant population delivered from a mighty army. He provided for them through the desert and led them to their next step. And they said … umm, no.

Ten spies saw hardship where God was leading them. Two spies, Joshua and Caleb, could see prosperity. They all looked at the same destination but viewed it differently. Why? Joshua saw the opposition and difficulties and said, “but God is with us.” I marvel at the other ten who had experienced God’s presence for the last 40 years and were willing to give up this bountiful destination because of fear. It blows my mind. Until I look in the mirror.

If God is truly leading me, then why do I hesitate in conquering new territory? I can sometimes be fearful and see the struggles of being in a new place – even when I see its abundance. He promises to go before and with me. His promised prosperity includes His presence – and joy, peace, comfort. Whatever circumstance He is leading me to, however difficult or uncomfortable, I will find His goodness in abundance when I enter in.

But the ten spies did more than fail to enter their long sought destination. They discouraged the people. They spread tales that weren’t true. God’s character and goodness are being questioned when I fail to follow His lead. Do my words and actions encourage or discourage others in their own journey? Do they want to conquer the land because of what I’ve said? What kind of report do I give?

We all come to borders in our life that we are asked to cross. I want to be strong and courageous like Joshua and Caleb in entering the new territory. And just as important, I want to give an honest report about God’s faithfulness and goodness to encourage you as well.

Caleb said, “Let’s go now and take possession of the land. We should be more than able to conquer it.” Numbers 13:30

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