Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
A friend and I were discussing the difference between a gift and a present. Besides some nuances of presenting in person or the status between the giver and receiver, we found that for the most part they are used interchangeably.
But she got me thinking about giving so I went to see what the Bible had to say about it.
I found three main types of gift giving:
To a superior - to show allegiance or submission
There are gifts offered as sacrifice to the Lord throughout Leviticus, gifts brought to Solomon as a mighty ruler, and as a seasonal example, the Magi bringing gifts to Jesus.
Exchanged between peers - in forming a treaty or agreement as a sign of goodwill
We see in Genesis 32 Isaac sending gifts to Esau to prepare a truce.
From a superior – something granted that could not be earned or reciprocated
Kings could give pardons or relieve debt. Jesus tells the parable of the unpayable debt in Matthew 18.
This last type is what God does for us. He bestows great gifts that we could never attain on our own - the ultimate gift of Jesus and eternal life, peace, the Spirit of God. These gifts are available to all and we can point others to this great Gift Giver.
Christmas is a time we celebrate God’s gift by giving. It is a fun custom to exchange gifts with those we love, especially when there is something we know will delight them or help them. But as image bearers of God, we also are called to join in the highest form of gift giving - to those who cannot reciprocate. If we can be the bearers of peace or comfort, in whatever form, to someone in need, let us not delay. And if we have the privilege of doing it anonymously, we eliminate the burden of indebtedness or embarrasment on the receiver. It cannot be reciprocated. How fun!
Learning from our Father, let us find joy in being good gift givers this holiday season and always.