Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints. Ephesians 6:18
Prayer is a necessity and a privilege for those that follow Christ. Paul exhorts the Ephesian church to be diligent in their prayers, including for their fellow believers, and to stay alert.
Agrupneo, translated as alert, literally means without sleep. We see the idea of staying awake in order to accomplish a mission or duty. The same idea is applied to a shepherd watching over a flock. Paul is putting an importance on prayer in not letting down our guard or being cavalier. Being charged to pray in this way, what then am I watching for?
Stay alert to avoid evil. Be mindful of evil lures around me as well as my own predisposition for certain traps. By prayerfully relying on the Spirit to help discern evil, He will also give strength to resist. Sitting humbly in His Presence helps to avoid getting caught up in a lie.
Stay alert, watching for opportunities to carry out God’s mission. Bring the kingdom wherever God opens a door. Intentional listening prayer opens my eyes and heart to His work around me.
Stay alert for opportunities for intercession. We are one Body and what affects one affects all. What a joy to see God meet needs through our mutual prayer for one another.
And maybe the hardest for me, stay alert for the answers to prayer. I want to be watchful to bring God the glory and recognize His work at hand. It is sometimes easy for me to be distracted after time in prayer but identifying and acknowledging His work builds my faith and enables me to encourage others.
Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Colossians 4:2