The Privilege of Hospitality

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.  Hebrews 13:2

This is an oft-quoted verse reminding us about Abraham’s visitation by angelic messengers. Though their identity was unknown to him, he provided for the strangers who then delivered the promise of a blessing.

What a privilege it would be to entertain angels! Can you imagine the awe and excitement? But what about the privilege of entertaining one who is actually made in God’s image? What a greater joy that should be!

The blessing Abraham received was not from the angels. They were the messengers. The blessing came from God. We seek to bless others by offering hospitality but often it is we who are blessed.

Let’s go forth and extend hospitality to others in the same way that God has so graciously shown us. Maybe we will meet some angels in the process, or even a child of the King.

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