Following Jesus: Learning Patience

If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me; and where I am, there will My servant be also. John 12:26

Sometimes I find myself in a hurry. There’s never enough time to accomplish what’s on my list (and there never will be.) Our culture tends to reward that kind of attitude. Keep moving, go faster. After all, you don’t want to be passed up, right? But If I’m truly following Jesus then I can only go as fast as He is going. He leads. He sets the pace. Only He knows what paths He would have me to take.

My teacher gave a story during his time in Israel. A rabbi was leading his students on a trail and, as usual, they walked alongside and right behind in an effort to catch his every word. In his excitement, one of the students actually got just a few steps ahead but he would continue to turn his head looking back to hear the rabbi’s words. After walking much further than they thought and not recognizing the surroundings, the student ahead asked if they were on the right path. “No,” the teacher responded. No? then why didn’t you tell us? “Well, you decided to lead and so you must have known the way.”  

What a great illustration. That would be me some days. Ok, God. I’m pretty sure where You are headed and I’ll just walk a few steps ahead while stumbling here and there as I try to look back at You to check in.

Patience is the willingness to not impose my own timeline. Following Jesus builds my patience muscle. We learn to go at His pace, in His direction. It also brings peace from the hurry and striving to do more and do it faster. I repent of being so presumptuous as to try and get ahead of God. Thank You, Lord, for always going before me, leading and protecting. May I remain so close behind that I can always hear Your voice.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.  John 8:12

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