Approaching God

Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year for our Jewish friends, represents the one day of the year that the high priest could enter into the Holy of Holies and say the name of God. God wanted to live with His people, but sin was in the way.

This God, who is so holy, so awesome, so greater than our biggest thoughts, allowed this chosen priest to go past the thick curtain, enter His presence and speak His name. But it was uttered only by His strict instructions, after great preparation and sacrifice, and only one time a year.

The curtain has been removed now through the blood of Jesus. And we can now call Him Father – every day, at any hour. What a privilege. But He is still no less Almighty, Holy God.

I tend to move one direction or the other at any given moment - approaching God with casual familiarity of a well, known friend, minus the awe. Or with fear and trembling of His Holiness, without the assurance of His love and sacrifice making a way for me to approach. He is both! A loving father who desires our relationship and a fierce and glorious God worthy alone of our worship.

What thoughts fill your mind as you consider His presence?

Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; tremble before Him, all the earth! Psalm 96:9



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