
Sharing Hearts

I’m reading a book merely entitled “Prophets.” It’s one of those books that I need to wade through slowly, but it’s giving me a sense of the deep passion of the Biblical prophets. The author’s premise is that the prophets speak God’s heart, His emotion. The prophet becomes a voice that God uses to express…
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I worked long and hard this summer. More than I had wanted. In fact, I didn’t get a vacation or much of a break to join with friends in fun and recreation. You know what that is? That’s a rich person’s problem. The very concept of a vacation is unknown to most of the world…
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Yom Kippur is now behind us, but repentance is still on my mind. I realize it is something I need to consider throughout the year. Last week we looked at the Hebrew word teshuva, to turn, and how we need to turn away from sin. Often, in my mind, I see repenting as doing a…
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As we approach Yom Kippur, or Day of Atonement, our minds are focused towards repentance. Typically, when we think of repentance we think of being sorry or apologizing for something. That’s part of it, but there is more. The Hebrew word for repentance is Teshuva. It means “to turn.” It’s an action, not just a…
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