
Pentecost People

Christians celebrate Pentecost this week. But it’s actually a Jewish holiday – and its Jewishness brings us heightened meaning. Pentecost, or Shavuot, actually begins tonight at sundown. When God gave Moses the Law, written on the tablets on Mt. Sinai, He created for Himself a visible reminder of His presence among His people. Those tablets…
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True Compass

I’m a planner. I know where I want to be five years from now and what is on my list for today. But I find the older I get, the less useful this personal roadmap becomes to me. I’ve learned that I can plan all I want, but things change. And I need to change…
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  Archeology is a science that uncovers pieces of history. But how we put those pieces together to tell the story can often be up for interpretation. Many times, although we have only a few of the pieces, conclusions are drawn. What happens when those conclusions seem to contradict our text? Personally, I side with…
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Like a Mother

There are many kinds of mothers described in the Bible - Eve, the mother of all; Sarah, who birthed Israel; Bathsheba, who advocated for her son Solomon; Hagar who sacrificed for Ishmael, Hannah, who believed and gave Samuel to God; and, of course, Elizabeth and Mary. Hosea uses the imagery of a ferocious mother bear…
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