
“For such a time as this…”

Why does being in the right place so often feel like the wrong place, at least until seen in hindsight? Purim begins tonight at sundown – the holiday that recounts God’s deliverance of the Jews through Esther. Although she was queen, Esther was essentially acquired into a harem. For a devout Jew, this was probably…
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Un-Promised Land

In my temptation to overstay a season, with its relative comfort and predictability, I wonder what I may have missed out on. The courageous Israelites that moved into the Promised Land and a new season did not include everyone. There were two and a half tribes that decided not to go. They saw the lush…
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Practicing Lent

Lent is an ancient tradition that seems to be resurging. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it. Do you observe it? Why or why not? If so, what are you fasting from and why? Here’s some history. Did you know that Lent is not actually in the Bible? It is one of those holidays…
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Who aren’t you?

Do you have someone you look up to or follow? I have several teachers that I read or listen to voraciously. They have influenced me significantly and I am grateful for their influence. But sometimes I so resonate with what has been said that I wonder what I could possibly add to the conversation. Do…
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