
Changing Seasons

I like winter with its cool, crisp mornings. Spring reminds me the year is already rolling ahead much too quickly. I tend to get comfortable in whatever season I may be in and want to stay there. It gives me the illusion of control and safety. I know what to expect. I can get busy…
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Real Men

That’s one of the reasons I like archaeology. I know the Bible is true in my head – but it connects with my heart in a different way when I can touch it and see it. It also lends confidence to the accuracy of our Biblical text. Skeptical historians used to assert that King David,…
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True Valentine

How did a bachelor priest come to represent a day celebrating romantic love? Despite the cupids and hearts that we see today, Saint Valentine was a real person. The strongest traditions put Valentine in third century Italy. He was a physician turned priest and fell under the persecution of the pagan Emperor Claudius II. During…
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All the World’s a Stage

The art of storytelling has been here since the beginning. In fact, God frequently uses story to impart His Truth. Every good teacher knows the value of a story and even Jesus used parables to teach a lesson. As the art of theater developed, story was told for a purpose, initially to honor the god…
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