

And forgive us our debts,    as we also have forgiven our debtors. Matthew 6:12 The assumption in this verse is that we have forgiven our debtors. Have we? If I look at my own life, I can find places that I may be hanging on to certain debts. What about as a community? Have we been…
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Lord’s Prayer: Forgive us

And forgive us our debts … Matthew 6:12 The only person that can forgive a debt is the one to whom it is owed. Our request for forgiveness reveals our desperate need. It recognizes a debt we are unable to pay on our own. When we come to saving faith, we ask God’s forgiveness by…
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Lord’s Prayer: Today’s Essentials

Give us today our daily bread.  Matthew 6:11 While the first portion of the Lord’s prayer was solely God focused, we now begin to acknowledge our own needs. Jesus, as always, packs so much in each simple line. Give – This is a humble request. We are to acknowledge that God is the giver and…
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Lord’s Prayer: Kingdom Come

Your kingdom come,Your will be done,    on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 The Kingdom of God is anywhere His righteousness reigns. We are part of the Kingdom when we submit to His authority, living according to His ways. In other words, where His will is done. Almighty God is on His throne and His…
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