Called to Hope

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in His holy people. Ephesians 1:18

We have been called to a glorious hope, to enjoy His riches bestowed in and through His people. When Paul prays for us to see all that is available to us, he is appealing to our spiritual understanding and not just our head knowledge. The eyes of my heart are sometimes dimmed because of fear, doubt, sin or distraction. But when I focus on Him, I more clearly experience His hope.

The hope that is before us is grander than anything our minds could imagine. Life to the fullest. Peace. Joy. Glory. His unveiled Presence. Eternity. He has poured all these things on His heirs, on us – the body of Christ. The Spirit gives us eyes to see. And when we know that hope, it changes us. We become more like Him.

This passage resonates as a prayer on my heart for those I love who have not answered His call, His invitation for life together. If only their eyes were opened to see – so that they too would know that Hope personally and experience His glorious inheritance.

"An atheist only sees a hopeless end to life. But the Christian sees an endless hope.” Billy Graham

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