Category Archives: Jewish History/Culture

Spill it

The psalms were written in a desert context and the pictures in them are rich. Close your eyes and put yourself in a tribal tent on a hot day. Can you hear David's words? "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;  you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows."  Psalm 23:5…
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Before or After?

Why not both? I’m talking about our mealtime prayers. Our cultural traditions lead us to thank God before we eat. After all, Jesus blessed God before He broke the bread during the last supper. Many of our Jewish friends, however, bless God at the end of the meal. Taking from the text: “And you shall…
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Let it flow

Have you been filled from the fountain of living water? Jesus promised to supply living water and, if we’ve asked Him, that life now flows in us. The Holy Spirit, living and active, now resides in us. If you’ve been to the fountain and are filled with the living water, you are able to live…
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Fountain of Life

Solomon led a beautiful prayer for rain, or “living water,” when he dedicated the temple. This happened during the season of Sukkot – or Feast of Tabernacles – so that in time it became a part of the festival liturgy. Centuries later, we find Jesus at the Temple during Sukkot. And as the High Priest…
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