Category Archives: Jewish History/Culture

Broken Cisterns

In the desert culture of Israel, living water is a source of, well, life. The alternative to living water is water that is collected – like rain run off that flows into a cistern. It would eventually become lukewarm and dirty. God not only provides living water, He refers to Himself as living water. “My…
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In Exodus 39 pomegranates show up as dangly decorations on the edge of the high priest's robe. God said to put bells between the pomegranates - so that it went bell, pomegranate, bell, pomegranate. In good rabbinic fashion the question arose – why did God say to put the bell between the pomegranates – and…
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Under the soil

I planted 3 tomato bushes this spring. They sit side by side receiving the same soil, same feeding, same sun, same water. The two on either end are lush, green and large. The one in the middle sits squat, a little limp – but it was the first to produce fruit. I don’t know enough…
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Digging Up Dinosaurs

I found a dinosaur in my backyard! No, really! I was digging out weeds around the tomatoes and up it surfaced. Ok, it was a tiny plastic kids toy, undoubtedly left from the previous occupant, but it got me to think. What of me is going to be left when I leave? Will there be…
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