As we mark Father’s Day, I recognize that it holds different feelings for many. What is it for you? Celebration? Grief? Confusion? Pain? Unrealized hopes? Fun and laughter? We find in God’s love story to us that He refers to Himself as Father. What is God telling us? The picture God draws on is of…
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Working at not working
The Talmud suggests that the Sabbath is a taste of eternity, allowing us to practice and experience now a glimmer of what awaits. Or, more simply, practicing the presence of God. Unfortunately, that muscle isn’t as developed as I would like. Strangely, I even work to learn to rest. What are your thoughts on Sabbath?…
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Be the Light
Have you ever noticed that light always trumps darkness? The smallest light eradicates the dark from the blackest room. Darkness never snuffs out the light. In fact, darkness is really just the absence of light. When light shows up – the darkness is gone. Apollo, the Greco-Roman god of light, saturated the cultural air that apostle…
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Be the Answer
Last week this space held a difficult subject – abortion and infanticide. Evils we should repel. But to many observers it appears as if we declare our opposition, separate ourselves from it, and then that is the end of the story. What if, instead, we were known for the way we reach out to those…
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