Category Archives: Jewish History/Culture

Open My Eyes

And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.”  2 Kings 6:17 Elisha’s servant was concerned and anxious about their situation, after all they were surrounded by an enemy army, yet the prophet remained calm. When the servant cried out “what shall we do?” Elisha didn't answer his question but prayed that his…
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Crowned with Bounty

You crown the year with Your bounty, and Your carts overflow with abundance.  Psalm 65:11 God created us, and all creation, with rhythms and seasons. Not all are the season of reaping, but God produces a bountiful harvest in due time. We have seasons of planting, of waiting, of protecting, tending, nurturing and yes, of…
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Treasured Possession

When Peter wrote to the believers scattered in exile, many of them Jews, He reminded them of their special place and calling: But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into…
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Trust God; Do good

Trust the Lord and do good; live in the land, and farm faithfulness. Psalm 37:3 Many of us have grand ideas, dreaming of big goals and making a huge difference in our community. But faithful obedience can be as simple as trusting God right where I am - and doing good. Just do that next…
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