Category Archives: Jewish History/Culture

Holy, Holy, Holy

Our God is Holy. The word kadosh, that we translate holy, means separate, sanctified or other. God is different from, and also above, any other thing. He is beyond and is separated from all else. The Lord of Hosts will be exalted in judgment,And the Holy God will show Himself holy in righteousness. Isaiah 5:16 We have a…
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To be Gracious

Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. Isaiah 30:18 This verse astounds me. The Lord God Almighty LONGS to show me grace. He is waiting and looking for ways to shower goodness and compassion on me. When I let that truth sink in,…
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His Universe

The new Webb telescope gives a glimpse of our universe previously unseen by human eyes. The distant galaxies we peer into are but at the fingertips of God. I marvel that God has been enjoying these sights for ages even as they only now come into our awareness. Beyond the stunning visuals, though, is the…
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Stand Firm

Stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord.   Exodus 14:13 Do you ever feel boxed in? When it seems any direction is the wrong one and you don’t know where to turn?  The Israelites faced that very dilemma as they ran from Egypt. Behind was an advancing army and before them lay an impassable…
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