Category Archives: Jewish History/Culture

Great Commission: Discipleship

When my father graduated college, he also received his commission into the military. He had received instruction and was now endowed with the authority to carry out his part in the mission. Jesus lived and walked amongst us showing us how to live. Before His ascension, He gave some words of instruction and commissioned His…
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Built by God: His love in detail

Exodus shows us the instructions for the tabernacle in painstaking detail. While it may be tempting to skim through the blueprints as we read through the Bible, it’s important to consider why God included it. The tabernacle was where God’s presence would reside when He interacts with His people. He designed every intimate facet, revealing…
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Worthy are You, O God

The Bible proclaims that God is worthy, axios in the Greek. Embedded in the word worthy is the word worth, meaning it has weight or value. We use that idea in our daily lives in evaluating the price or cost of something. Is it worth it – either in time or money?  Is it worthy?…
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Confession and Repentance

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. James 5:16 Last week we talked about a pathway to repentance that included moving through regret.  Another important piece of that path is confession. We…
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