Category Archives: Jewish History/Culture

The Suffering of Temptation

Because He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted.  Hebrews 2:18 Being tempted is hard, but it’s not a sin. Jesus was tempted. When the temptation involves matters of sin or obedience to God, the stakes are high. And the cost may be, too.   Jesus…
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Philippians and an Upside Down Hero

Paul had a great affection for the Philippian church. He had been imprisoned by the Romans there and was warmly cared for. His first recorded baptism, the businesswoman Lydia, was at the local river. Yet the Philippians were not without issues. Philippi was a very proud city. They were proud of their Roman citizenship, proud…
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Jehovah Nissi: Under His Banner

And Moses built an altar and named it ‘The LORD is my Banner.  Exodus 17:15 When Moses called God “Jehovah Nissi,” his Banner, the Israelites had just struck down one of their fiercest enemies, the Amalekites. Banners were used by the military and could refer to a flag on a pole or something larger, something easily…
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The Precious Thoughts of God

How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God!  Psalm 139:17 The thoughts of God are wondrous. They are above our ways and even our imagination. And yet He gives us glimpses. So what do we know of His thoughts? His thoughts are beyond our understanding If I could understand God’s thoughts, He wouldn’t be…
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