Category Archives: Jewish History/Culture

Creating a Gold Calf

The Israelites were anxious. They didn’t know their future and wanted some security. Sure, God had just delivered them from Egypt with a Mighty Hand and miraculous signs, but they had been in the desert for months and now their leader, Moses, had gone up mountain and hadn’t returned yet. They became impatient and worried.…
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Serving with Focus

But Martha was distracted with much serving. Luke 10:40 Martha was doing what she did best, serving and caring for those around her. She wasn’t doing anything wrong. In fact, we are told to serve others. Martha was just doing it at the wrong time. She felt she had so much to do that in…
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Don’t Miss Out: Those That Grumbled

And all the people of Israel grumbled. Numbers 14:2 The Israelites finally made it to the edge of this promised destination. They would have plenty of water and luscious produce and would stop their wandering. But alongside that was a land that would need to be conquered. It didn’t look like what they thought it would. And…
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Jehovah Jireh: The One who takes care of it

Isaac said, “Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” Abraham said, “God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.” Genesis 22:8 When Abraham faithfully followed God’s instruction to take his son and make him a sacrifice, he knew that somehow God would provide even if…
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