Category Archives: Holidays and Feasts

Uncut Stone

The altar that was built, first in the tabernacle and then in the temple, was made of uncut stone. God commanded specific instructions on its design and use. The Biblical picture of atonement was being drawn and they were reminded with each sacrifice. …you shall build an altar to the Lord your God of uncut…
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New Life

There are plants in my yard that I thought were dead, but after ignoring them I found they had started to grow again. Maybe they were close to dead, or maybe they were just dormant. Seeds can look lifeless. But plant a seed, even after a thousand years, and it may still sprout. This is…
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Extra Time?

February 29 is an odd occurrence. It’s a “make up” day to keep our seasons on track, as calculated on the Gregorian calendar. The Jewish calendar is tied more closely than ours to observational astronomy – the relative rotations of the earth, the moon the sun. Because days go from sunset to sunset, a day…
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Choosing Love

Yes, this is the season for love. Romantic movies, candies and flowers abound. These are all great fun and can be meaningful in a healthy relationship. This kind of love, eros in the Greek, is a passionate, physical attraction. The word eros doesn’t occur in the Bible but we see an example of it in…
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