Category Archives: Holidays and Feasts


Our culture hides death. I’m not sure why. Maybe we’re uncomfortable with expressing the pain or facing our own mortality. Or maybe it simply forces us to recognize we’re not in control. But this season gives us a stark reminder with every ash-marked forehead. Ash is a picture of our mortality, our physical destination. Cultures going…
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In the Days of Herod …

In the days of Herod the king, Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. Matthew 2:1 Most of us read this sentence every Christmas without giving it a second thought. But during Matthew’s time, this detail made a powerful point. Herod was a brilliant, wealthy king placed in power by Rome. But Herod wasn’t Roman. And…
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Bows but no Strings

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17 A friend and I were discussing the difference between a gift and a present. Besides some nuances of presenting in person or the status between…
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Jubilee Sabbath

Besides the liberty celebration we looked at last week, Jubilee also is a reflection of Sabbath. It is a sabbatical year and follows a sabbatical year. Sabbath, the seventh day, is a day to rest from our work. It is a weekly reminder that no matter how much we do, it is never going to…
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