Category Archives: Holidays and Feasts

Repairing the World

One of the observational laws of physics says that things move from order to disorder. This wasn’t always the case. God created the world with perfect order and harmony. When sin entered, it disrupted that order and in crept chaos. We see its effect not just in our physical world but also in humanity. Relationships…
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Monuments and Memorials

This weekend marked the 15-year anniversary for the 9/11 attacks. As a nation, we remembered together in a variety of ways. Some of those traditions cross years of time and culture. Ancient Israelites marked important events and places by setting up a stone or pile of stones. They drew attention to the site and begged…
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Eternal Work

“What do you do?” It’s a common question when first getting to know someone. To be fair, it does tell us something about that person. But how we work reveals more about our character and who we are than our title or occupation. Several years ago Mike Erre brought together some powerful thoughts on the…
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Comfort, Comfort My People

Shabbat Nachamu is the Sabbath that follows Tisha B’Av, the day marking the destruction of the temple. Nachamu is the Hebrew word for comfort and so Shabbat Nachamu is also called the Sabbath of consolation. The passage read on this day of grief and reflection is Isaiah 40, starting, “Comfort, comfort my people.” After the destruction of the…
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