Category Archives: Lord’s Prayer

Lord’s Prayer: Kingdom Come

Your kingdom come,Your will be done,    on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 The Kingdom of God is anywhere His righteousness reigns. We are part of the Kingdom when we submit to His authority, living according to His ways. In other words, where His will is done. Almighty God is on His throne and His…
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Lord’s Prayer: His Hallowed Name

Pray then like this: 'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name. This first portion of the Lord’s prayer focuses completely on God, not me - or even us. Jesus taught us to consider God first. Hallowed is an old word that doesn’t get much use anymore. It means to be holy or sacred. The…
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Lord’s Prayer: God Who is in Heaven

Pray then like this: 'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name. We are taught to pray holding the tensions of two truths. Our Father, is a term of nearness. It draws us close to Him and brings us together as family. But our Father is also in Heaven, a picture of being very other,…
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More than words

Jesus gave us His life as an example of how to live in every area of life, but prayer is one of the rare instances where He actually said, do it like this. When Jesus taught us to pray, He provided the words to say. And yet how often are they just words to me?…
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