Flourishing Soul

Can reeds flourish where there is no water? Job 8:11

God marvelously designed His creation and within that design are certain requirements for growth. We would not expect to see green reeds thriving outside a very wet environment. Even if the water seems hidden or has recently receded, we know it was there by evidence of their health. Just as the physical world has an order, my soul will also flourish in a certain environment. I am to cultivate prayer, obedience, study of His Word and love of my neighbor.

Am I looking for results in my spiritual life without providing the vital nutrients needed for that growth? Am I good soil for the Spirit to grow and transform me? Just as a reed needs water, I need the Living Water. I must abide in Him.

There are no shortcuts to spiritual growth. I must reflect often to ensure I am engaged in the hard work necessary for a fruitful result. He designed us to participate in order to experience Him fully.

Lord, let me be rich soil to grow Your fruit. Strengthen me as I seek to discipline my soul and my body to cooperate in Your good work.

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. John 15:4

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