I am sending you …

Wouldn’t it be cool to work for a wealthy philanthropist where your job is to deliver his generous gifts? You would experience the privilege of representing this great person and also share in the joy of the recipient.

Our God is at work and He loves to give generously. He also loves to involve us in His good gifts. We even get to invite others along.

After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of Him, two by two, into every town and place where He Himself was about to go. Luke 10:1

Jesus sent out a group of disciples who healed in His name. He delighted to let them be the conduit of His grace and mercy to the people. Sometimes He sends us into a situation that He is preparing to do a work in. We have the confidence that God is already there at work, but He allows us in to participate.

Paul was sent to bring Truth to the Gentiles.

I am sending you, to open their eyes. Acts 26:17-18

God could have revealed Himself and opened their eyes supernaturally as He literally did to Paul. But He chose to use Paul in the lives of the Gentiles instead. He gave Paul the privilege of bringing others to Himself.

God can do anything Himself, but so often He chooses to use us. I think it delights Him to involve us in His work and to actually let us be the vessel of spreading His rich grace. I want to embrace that privilege of joining in His work whenever He offers the opportunity.

Just as you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world. John 17:18

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