Lord’s Prayer: His Hallowed Name

Pray then like this: 'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name.

This first portion of the Lord’s prayer focuses completely on God, not me - or even us. Jesus taught us to consider God first.

Hallowed is an old word that doesn’t get much use anymore. It means to be holy or sacred. The word it comes from in the Greek text is hagiazo, meaning to sanctify, set apart or to declare holy.

His Name is holy. The prayer declares the truth of God’s essence. In Biblical culture, names reflect the character of the person so to say that God’s name is holy is to declare that He is holy.

May His Name be revered as holy. The prayer asks God to hallow His Name – show Yourself, bring glory to yourself. This is praying in unity with God’s declared will in bringing rightful glory to Him. Maybe it is hinting at Psalm 66:

Shout with joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of His Name; make His praise glorious! Say to God, "How awesome are Your deeds!

Or maybe it is looking forward (Thy kingdom come) as all the nations will call Him holy at His anticipated return.

 As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, every knee will bow before me;  every tongue will acknowledge God. Romans 4:11

May His Name be holy to me. This prayer serves as a reminder to me, to revere and honor His Name. It should not be desecrated or even treated lightly. It should never be invoked idly or meaninglessly.

Lord, let Your Name be hallowed, revered, sanctified as a reminder of Who You are. Let us worship Your holy Name together.

Your Name, O Lord, endures forever,
    your renown, O Lord, throughout all ages.
Psalm 135:13

2 Responses

  1. Melissa
    Yes, Holy in his name! Thanks for the reminder.
  2. Samuel Mathai
    Yes, HIS name alone is exalted. HIS majesty is above earth and heaven. Thanks for the timely reminder - human nature is to overlook the splendor and majesty of the LORD.

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