Lord’s Prayer: Kingdom Come

Your kingdom come,
Your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10

The Kingdom of God is anywhere His righteousness reigns. We are part of the Kingdom when we submit to His authority, living according to His ways. In other words, where His will is done.

Almighty God is on His throne and His will is done in heaven. Jesus ushered in the Kingdom on earth, but it is also a work in progress. It is now and not yet. God reigns here, but not everything (or everyone) is submitted to Him. Someday ALL knees shall bow at the fulfillment of His Kingdom.

Until then, we get to be a part of bringing the Kingdom. Every time someone comes to faith and follows Jesus, the Kingdom expands. Every time there is justice, healing, or compassion – the Kingdom grows. When we bow our heart and our own will under His authority, bringing Him glory, the Kingdom is present. Those who submit to Him and walk in righteousness by the power of the Spirit, are part of the Kingdom. God’s subjects, His children, are involved in righting the things that aren’t as they should be – and increase the boundaries of His realm.

God will eventually establish His Kingdom here fully in a new heaven and a new earth. In that day, we will see His will done here exactly like in heaven. Jesus taught us to pray for that day.

Almighty God, bring it soon. May Your will be done. Please, Lord. Your Kingdom come.

Not everyone who says ‘Lord, Lord’ to me will come into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 7:21

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