Lord’s Prayer: Tempt Not

And lead us not into temptation. Matthew 6:13

Asking God to not lead us into temptation can be confusing since James teaches that God does not tempt us[1]. I think looking at the Greek word gives some clarification. Peirasmos is properly translated temptation, but can also be translated as trial or adversity. We do know that God allows certain trials in our life and that feels more consistent to me. The CJB[2] translates this passage as:

Do not lead us into hard testing.

By making this request, we acknowledge our weakness. I am reminded that my strength lies in Him, not in anything I can do or accomplish. Because it follows the request for forgiveness in the verse before, it becomes an act of repentance, a request for help to turn and not sin again.  

Tests are not designed to trap us – enticing us to sin – but are allowed so as to strengthen and grow us. As we move through a trial, we can be encouraged by His care and the strengthened relationship and reliance we have with Him. How we move through the trial doesn’t show God what we’d do, He already knows. Instead it reveals to ourselves our inadequacy and need for Him.

We could also say, lead us not into adversity. If we understand our frailty, we recognize that coming under heavy adversity may cause us to sin. We may look for an easy way out that may sacrifice our integrity, or the hardship may be so daunting it tempts us to blame God or lose faith.

Our prayer may invite God to change our heart, instead of changing the circumstances, so I am no longer tempted. Rather I am relying on Him. Praying reminds me of my need – my need to be mindful, to rely on His strength. Praying for daily bread reminds me where it comes from, praying to avoid temptation or heavy trial reminds me of my weakness.

Lord, may I rely on Your strength and not mine. Help me to withstand any adversity by coming to You. Lead me not into tempting situations of the heart but always recognize You and Your protection.

Regard it all as joy, my brothers, when you face various kinds of temptations; for you know that the testing of your trust produces perseverance. But let perseverance do its complete work; so that you may be complete and whole, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4

[1] James 1:13

[2] Complete Jewish Bible

1 Response

  1. Donna McDonald
    Thank you, Jen! I love the Lord's prayer, but still wondered about that phrase. Your explanation is more helpful and relatable than sermons we've heard.

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