I’m a morning person. I enjoy getting up and starting the work for whatever the day holds. It’s a new day, fresh in all that can be accomplished. By the end of the day, I tend to notice not what I did, but what I didn’t do. A task unfinished, a conversation missed, not eating well or an overlooked word of kindness – the day’s potential is spent and maybe not wisely.
A new year holds the same enticing promise of a clean start. There are goals to achieve and hopes to be fulfilled. My mental page of goals doesn’t yet have eraser marks, smudges that cover where I blew it. A year looks very different on December 31st than it did on January 1st.
The Bible talks about God’s grace and compassion being new every day. They are fresh and come from a limitless Source. They don’t go stale like the end of a box of opened treats. I need to call on that compassion every night, as I do every morning, remembering God’s faithfulness throughout the day.
A fresh year is exciting, but really each day, each moment, can be a new start. The temptations and challenges may be the same as yesterday, but God’s grace is always in ready supply. His compassion is just a heartbeat away and His ears hear my plea day or night. What joy to be assured of His mercy to make each and every day new - even this one!
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
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