But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells. 2 Peter 3:13
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. God’s creation seemed not to have distinct borders separating the two. Adam and Eve roamed freely, walking and talking with God. Everything was as it should be. There was Shalom.
It wasn’t until after Adam’s sin that a boundary was placed and he and Eve were sent from the paradise into an earth that was now corrupted. They experienced death, illness, an ecosystem that had decay and chaos entered into it. The beautiful creation now no longer “touched” heaven. The earth. and everything in it, was now marred by sin.
Into this world a Baby was born. A Son was given – come to reverse the chaos. At His arrival, heaven and earth briefly touched once again. It was a moment so incredible the angels from heaven came to proclaim praise on earth, something without precedent before or after in our scripture. We got a glimpse of things to come.
Jesus grew and walked this tainted land. He felt our pain and understood our sorrows. He struggled, yet without sin. Jesus came to be with us, to show us and then to redeem this fallen world with His blood. He conquered death and chaos for us. His resurrection opened a crack in the boundary for new creation to be planted, of which He was the First Fruit. The eighth day of creation had dawned – the new creation had begun.
We get hints at this new creation even now. We are privileged to help in bringing it – restoring order and providing healing for those around. Some day He will come in power and the new creation will come in its fullness - a new heaven and a new earth - right here where we stand today. There will be no boundary between them. Our souls yearn for this future of a reunited heaven and earth because that’s how we were created to be. Together again. Together with Him.
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away. Revelation 21:1