Daylight savings time starts again this coming week. I have never understood why we have undertaken this practice. We don’t actually “get an extra hour” or lose one at the other end, we are merely shifting our template. Historical arguments range from productivity, energy savings and psychological preference, but our time structures are artificially imposed on the reality of the earth’s motion.
It may make us feel powerful. We have “created” an extra hour of sunlight at night. We rarely hear people bemoan the equal loss of light in the morning. There aren’t actually any more daylight hours – lawmakers aren’t that powerful.
But God is. Joshua records that the sun stood still while the army of Israel fought. Imagine! That’s REAL daylight savings. And He did it on behalf of His people.
The God who created the stars and the heavens, who put the earth on its rotation, is the God who cares for us. And He has shown in many ways that He is willing to intervene for us.
I can pretend I have more control than I do, but usually it’s superficial tinkering – like changing a clock. It looks grand, but doesn’t really do anything. I’ve been given a certain amount of time and only God can change that. He gives us just the right amount for what He called us to do. I need to manage well what He has given me. And trust that He will intervene when needed on my journey.
The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. Joshua 10:13
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