The world is a mess. The needs are many and the brokenness is abundant. It can be overwhelming, so how could I possibly make a difference against such devastating circumstances?
Mercifully, that’s God’s job and we are just His workmen to accomplish the task. We have received His grace and so can dispense it. It is all His work. But with so much needed, where do I start?
Take some time to reflect - what is it that stirs you? Or as my pastor would say, “what wrecks you?” Maybe it’s the plight of a group of people or the needs of children. God has put different weights on my heart over the years – a burden for the elderly in my youth, the desire to know and share God’s Word and now the privilege of caring for and loving on my friend’s beautiful daughters, reminding them of His love.
The need that God has pointed out to YOU – take care of that. That’s why we are all vital. I can’t do everything but I can do this. Your part is necessary, too, and blesses me. God uses us, together, to bring His kingdom until one day He will make all things new.
Start anywhere. Continue to listen to Him and adjust your direction. Be faithful in your unique spot in the world – be it big or small - because God put you there for a reason. Each one of us brings a piece equally important in completing the beautiful mosaic of His grace.
God rose up Esther “for such a time as this.” But He is also calling us to be obedient for such a place as this. He is calling us to minister to such a people (or person) as this - those who are in our very midst.
Don’t be overwhelmed or dismayed with the needs of the world. He has overcome. And He has put each of us in the right time, the right place and among the right people to dispense His healing grace.
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10