Tag Archives: grace

Uncut Stone

The altar that was built, first in the tabernacle and then in the temple, was made of uncut stone. God commanded specific instructions on its design and use. The Biblical picture of atonement was being drawn and they were reminded with each sacrifice. …you shall build an altar to the Lord your God of uncut…
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Meal Blessing

Do you pray before a meal? What do you say? Many of us were taught a specific prayer as a child that goes through our head, if not our mouth, as we sit down to eat. The prayer usually has some form of blessing the meal. But, as RVL has said, “what’s wrong with the…
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All the World’s a Stage

The art of storytelling has been here since the beginning. In fact, God frequently uses story to impart His Truth. Every good teacher knows the value of a story and even Jesus used parables to teach a lesson. As the art of theater developed, story was told for a purpose, initially to honor the god…
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Before or After?

Why not both? I’m talking about our mealtime prayers. Our cultural traditions lead us to thank God before we eat. After all, Jesus blessed God before He broke the bread during the last supper. Many of our Jewish friends, however, bless God at the end of the meal. Taking from the text: “And you shall…
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