Tag Archives: jesus

All the World’s a Stage

The art of storytelling has been here since the beginning. In fact, God frequently uses story to impart His Truth. Every good teacher knows the value of a story and even Jesus used parables to teach a lesson. As the art of theater developed, story was told for a purpose, initially to honor the god…
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Do you consider yourself competitive? What does that look like for you? Competition in ancient Judaism is relatively unknown. Man’s value is derived from being made in God’s image, not from proving superiority over another. And since Judaism is an Eastern culture, it favors community over individuals. The community works together as a whole, not…
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The parable of the corrupt judge tells of a widow persistently badgering a judge who has no interest in granting her request and giving her justice. But her persistence, as we see in Luke 18:1-8, finally pays off and she is granted justice even from this corrupt source. Luke precedes the parable by saying that…
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In the beginning God spoke creation into existence. He created man, made in His very image, and He declared that it was not only good, but very good. And the seventh day – God enjoyed His creation. He had made a man and a woman in His own likeness, which meant, at least in part, created…
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