Tag Archives: jesus

Jesus the Builder

I like that Jesus was a builder. Aside from this being His occupation, it also fleshes out a picture we see in the text. The Greek word that describes His work is “techton,” simply meaning “builder.” People built with various things back then, but primarily building was done with stone. So Jesus was more likely a…
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Just asking

A friend and I were debating a historical event. We each would let our mind race to the next piece of information without really hearing what the other was saying. Talking past each other, we were convinced of our own correct opinion, and not even realizing we were using the same words to mean something…
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Pricey Gift

I became a great aunt last week. I love to tease my nephews that I’ve tried to be a good aunt – but now I’ve been promoted and am great. It’s a delight. She arrived right on time in a nice clean and warm environment. Her arrival was marked by good health for mom and…
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In the World

In the world, but not of it. As Christians we hear that slogan as a rallying cry, trying to keep purity within our hearts as well as within our ranks. The fight is to keep the world out so that we are not dirtied by it. The rebellion of Jewish faithful in second century BC…
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