Tag Archives: rabbi

Follow Where?

“Come, follow me.” If you heard this, what would you do? Peter and Andrew dropped their nets and followed. My first instinct would be, “where are we going?” And then I’d probably want to know what we’d be doing and for how long. The way the disciples immediately followed showed that they knew Who was…
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Learn with your Feet

Books and photography have made our world much smaller. And through movies and IMAX we can be virtually transported to distant lands, feeling as if we’ve actually been there. I remember seeing pictures of the Grand Canyon as a child with only fleeting interest before visiting and realizing it was more than just a big…
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Awakened to Gratitude

How do you start your day? Our first moments likely impact our thoughts and attitude for the rest of the day. Our Jewish friends begin the day with the “Modeh Ani.” This short prayer, recited before getting out of bed, acknowledges the greatness of God and the Giver of life. It goes like this: I…
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The philosopher, when he sees a miracle, looks for a natural explanation. The Jew, when he sees nature, looks for the miracle. This saying is from a book of rabbinic teaching (Sefer HaMaamarim). It is a great illustration of the Jewish worldview. A common Jewish practice every morning is to acknowledge all things are from…
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