Trust the Lord and do good; live in the land, and farm faithfulness. Psalm 37:3
Many of us have grand ideas, dreaming of big goals and making a huge difference in our community. But faithful obedience can be as simple as trusting God right where I am - and doing good. Just do that next right thing, living a life of good towards my neighbor. There is clear and simple wisdom for my life in this verse.
Trust God. It’s not about how much trust I can muster up, but rather the One in whom I’m putting my trust. Trust the Lord. He is faithful and loves me. He is all-powerful and also good.
Do good. Sounds simple. Bring the kingdom. Reverse the chaos. Love my neighbor. Is it easy? No, but it is usually more simple than I’d like to admit. Am I bringing God’s comfort, protection, healing, and care? Am I letting people know the good news? Just do good.
Live in the land. Be present. I need to be reminded to live right now, right where I am. Live in the place, “the land”, that God has given to me for right now. Yes, there’s a time for making plans and moving forward, but there is still the holiness of this moment that won’t return. Be where you are.
Farm faithfulness. The idea of planting seeds suggests I don’t have an eye to leave but am sowing where I am and expecting a harvest. What am I planting that will reap a character of faithfulness? The ESV translates this passage as “dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.” I want to pursue faithfulness as I would a dear friend, learn from it, feed it, and grow in it. This is God’s character that we can rely on and can be cultivated in our own lives through the Spirit.
Love God and love your neighbor. Trust God and do good. Be present where you are and sow faithfulness. Simple wisdom, but those fields will reap a harvest for generations to come.
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, … Galatians 5:22