Soldiers immediately run into formation at the call of their commander. Present and accounted for, they wait for their instructions and are committed to follow orders whatever they may be.
God called Abraham and his response was “hineni,” or “here I am.” This Hebrew word says, “I am present,” but not just physically. It includes complete availability and readiness. Amazingly, it is the same response Abraham gave when asked to sacrifice Isaac. In shock and grief, and no doubt confused, he nevertheless replied, hineni, here I am.
Moses, upon hearing God from the burning bush, answered with hineni. And of course little Samuel, initially thinking it was his earthly master calling, gave that same reply to God.
Hineni is a like a response to the commander to receive marching orders. I’m here. I’m ready. I am at your service. The orders might not have even been given yet. There is an obedient acceptance and submission without knowing what will be asked.
Abraham said hineni, before God told him to leave his home and go to a distant land. Isaiah, when God sought for a messenger, was even more fervent as he pleaded, “Here I am, send me!”
Here I am.
God knows our physical location. He’s not playing hide and seek. This is about our attitude, declaring to Him our availability to be used fully. Are we at the ready for His call?
I’ve never heard God’s voice the way Abraham or Samuel did, but I’ve felt His leading. He has spoken through others, through His word, through the burdens He has placed in my heart. He has called me to tell about His great love. I’m a soldier, devoted to my Commander, my King. The results are not in my hands - just the willingness to give it all.
Hineni, I am here.
Do you have a hineni moment to share?
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
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