But seek first the Kingdom of God … Matthew 6:23
What are you pursuing? Like most of us, I have certain goals and dreams and try to make decisions to move along in that direction. Those targets can often be good, but when I am the decider, not God, it sets me up to think I have more control than I do. A kingdom being established, with me on the throne, is a fallacy and it will never come to be as I imagine. And yet I can still get caught up in spending a significant amount of time and energy trying to make it so.
Pastor David P. Cassidy gives a wise reminder:
"My kingdom won’t come. Neither will yours. Seeking first the one that will is the only possible sane response to that reality." @DPCassidyTKC
I can expend my time and treasure in futile pursuits thinking I’m designing the world I want, creating a kingdom, but what a waste. Instead, I’d rather invest in the kingdom that is certain, the Kingdom of God that is real and now and forever. That is the only Kingdom worth pursuing.
Lord, let it be the prayer of my heart:
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Matthew 6:10