Recent Posts by jen

Lord’s Prayer: God Who is in Heaven

Pray then like this: 'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your Name. We are taught to pray holding the tensions of two truths. Our Father, is a term of nearness. It draws us close to Him and brings us together as family. But our Father is also in Heaven, a picture of being very other,…
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More than words

Jesus gave us His life as an example of how to live in every area of life, but prayer is one of the rare instances where He actually said, do it like this. When Jesus taught us to pray, He provided the words to say. And yet how often are they just words to me?…
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Old Age, Part 3: God’s Promise

Though long life is a blessing and has an important purpose, it also is filled with loss and hardship. God’s promise is an encouragement, a very real hope, to see us through. Here are three that are repeated throughout scripture. He is with us. While we continue on in the purpose He’s given, He is…
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Old Age, Part 2: God’s Purpose

So with old age is wisdom, and with length of days understanding. Job 12:12 Last week we showed that attaining many years of life is a blessing. It is also a blessing to others. Even as the body slows, God would have us continue to offer ourselves in His service. And age can bring some…
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